#This is the resource bundle for the SAPUI5 sap.m library # #XACT: ARIA announcement for the Avatar default tooltip AVATAR_TOOLTIP=Avatar #XACT: ARIA announcement for the Avatar predefined tooltip for Zoom-in AVATAR_TOOLTIP_ZOOMIN=Vergr\u00F6\u00DFern #XACT: ARIA announcement for the Avatar predefined tooltip for Camera AVATAR_TOOLTIP_CAMERA=Kamera #XACT: ARIA announcement for the Avatar predefined tooltip for Edit AVATAR_TOOLTIP_EDIT=Bearbeiten #XACT: ARIA ColumnHeader control description COLUMNHEADER_ACCESS_COLUMN_ACTIONS=Auf Spaltenaktionen zugreifen #XACT: ARIA ColumnHeader filtered state announcement COLUMNHEADER_FILTERED=Gefiltert #XACT: ARIA ColumnHeader sorted state announcement COLUMNHEADER_SORTED=Sortiert #XACT: ARIA ColumnHeader sort ascending state announcement COLUMNHEADER_SORTED_ASCENDING=Aufsteigend #XACT: ARIA ColumnHeader sort descending state announcement COLUMNHEADER_SORTED_DESCENDING=Absteigend #XBUT: tooltip text for close button in the ColumnHeaderPopover COLUMNHEADERPOPOVER_CLOSE_BUTTON=Schlie\u00DFen #XBUT: tooltip text for sort button in the ColumnHeaderPopover COLUMNHEADERPOPOVER_SORT_BUTTON=Sortieren #XACT: ARIA keyboard announcement for the combo box arrow COMBOBOX_BUTTON=Auswahloptionen #XACT: ARIA announcement for Combo Box available options COMBOBOX_AVAILABLE_OPTIONS=Verf\u00FCgbare Optionen #XBUT: Button text for ok button in the combo box (mobile version) COMBOBOX_CLOSE_BUTTON=OK #XBUT: Default title text for picker in the combo box (mobile version) COMBOBOX_PICKER_TITLE=Ausw\u00E4hlen #XBUT: Button text for confirmation button in the select SELECT_CONFIRM_BUTTON=Ausw\u00E4hlen #XBUT: Button text for cancel button in the select (mobile version) SELECT_CANCEL_BUTTON=Abbrechen #XBLI: List text for no data lists LIST_NO_DATA=Keine Daten #XMSG: The message when all columns are hidden in the table control TABLE_NO_COLUMNS=Es gibt gerade keine sichtbaren Spalten in der Tabelle. Bitte w\u00E4hlen Sie die Spalten, die Sie ben\u00F6tigen, in den Tabelleneinstellungen aus. #XACT: ARIA announcement for the controls which do not provide any accessibility info CONTROL_EMPTY=Leer #XACT: ARIA announcement for the disabled controls CONTROL_DISABLED=Deaktiviert #XACT: ARIA announcement for the read-only controls CONTROL_READONLY=Schreibgesch\u00FCtzt #XACT: ARIA announcement for the list which allows single selections LIST_SELECTABLE=Enth\u00E4lt ausw\u00E4hlbare Elemente #XACT: ARIA announcement for the list which allows multiple selections LIST_MULTISELECTABLE=Enth\u00E4lt Elemente f\u00FCr Mehrfachauswahl #XACT: ARIA announcement for the list which has deletable items LIST_DELETABLE=Enth\u00E4lt l\u00F6schbare Elemente #XACT: ARIA announcement for the list which is grouped LIST_GROUPED=Gruppiert #XACT: ARIA announcement for the list when all items are selected LIST_ALL_SELECTED=Alle ausgew\u00E4hlt #XACT: ARIA announcement for a required list (e.g. inside a form) LIST_REQUIRED=Erforderlich #XACT: ARIA announcement for the selected list item LIST_ITEM_SELECTED=Ausgew\u00E4hlt #XACT: ARIA keyboard announcement for the unread state of the list items LIST_ITEM_UNREAD=Ungelesen #XACT: ARIA announcement for the navigable list items LIST_ITEM_NAVIGATION=Hat Details #XACT: ARIA announcement for the list item details with edit option LIST_ITEM_DETAIL=Ist bearbeitbar #XACT: ARIA announcement for the active clickable list items LIST_ITEM_ACTIVE=Ist aktiv #XACT: ARIA announcement for the group header list items LIST_ITEM_GROUP_HEADER=Gruppenkopf #XACT: ARIA announcement for the position of the list items in an entire list LIST_ITEM_POSITION={0} von {1} #XACT: ARIA announcement for the position of the list item LIST_ITEM_INDEX=Element {0} #XACT: ARIA announcement for the counter property of the list item LIST_ITEM_COUNTER=Z\u00E4hler {0} #XACT: ARIA announcement for the information state of the list item LIST_ITEM_STATE_INFORMATION=Information #XACT: ARIA announcement for the error state of the list item LIST_ITEM_STATE_ERROR=Fehler #XACT: ARIA announcement for the warning state of the list item LIST_ITEM_STATE_WARNING=Warnung #XACT: ARIA announcement for the success state of the list item LIST_ITEM_STATE_SUCCESS=Erfolg #XACT: ARIA announcement for the navigated state of the list item LIST_ITEM_NAVIGATED=Angesteuert #XTOL: tooltip for the delete icon of the list item LIST_ITEM_DELETE=L\u00F6schen #XTOL: tooltip for the edit icon of the list item LIST_ITEM_EDIT=Bearbeiten #XACT: Aria-describedby text for MessageListItem. Placeholder might be Success, Warning, Error or Information MESSAGE_LIST_ITEM_FOCUS_TEXT=Dr\u00FCcken Sie Alt+Enter f\u00FCr die Navigation zu {0} und nur Enter f\u00FCr die Navigation zur Detailseite. #XACT: Link aria-describedby text for MessageView. Placeholder might be Success, Warning, Error or Information MESSAGE_VIEW_LINK_FOCUS_TEXT=Aktivieren Sie den Link f\u00FCr die Navigation zu {0}. #XBUT: Button text for back button on page PAGE_NAVBUTTON_TEXT=Zur\u00FCck #XBUT: A switch is a user interface control on mobile devices that is used for change between binary states SWITCH_ON=An #XBUT: A switch is a user interface control on mobile devices that is used for change between binary states SWITCH_OFF=Aus #XACT: ARIA keyboard announcement for the accept state in the Switch control SWITCH_ARIA_ACCEPT=Annehmen #XACT: ARIA keyboard announcement for the reject state in the Switch control SWITCH_ARIA_REJECT=Ablehnen #XBUT: Button text for cancel button in the action sheet ACTIONSHEET_CANCELBUTTON_TEXT=Abbrechen #XACT: ARIA announcement for index of a button ACTIONSHEET_BUTTON_INDEX={0} von {1} #XACT: ARIA announcement for Action Sheet available actions ACTIONSHEET_AVAILABLE_ACTIONS=Verf\u00FCgbare Aktionen #XBUT: Button text for cancel button in the busy dialog BUSYDIALOG_CANCELBUTTON_TEXT=Abbrechen #XBUT: Text for growing list - pull button to load more data LOAD_MORE_DATA=Weitere #XBUT: Date Selection text for Date&Time Picker of MobiScroll MOBISCROLL_SET=OK #XBUT: Cancel/Close button of MobiScroll Date&Time Picker MOBISCROLL_CANCEL=Abbrechen #XBUT: MobiScroll Date&Time Picker Month Header MOBISCROLL_MONTH=Monat #XBUT: MobiScroll Date&Time Picker Day Header MOBISCROLL_DAY=Tag #XBUT: MobiScroll Date&Time Picker Year Header MOBISCROLL_YEAR=Jahr #XBUT: MobiScroll Date&Time Picker Hours Header MOBISCROLL_HOURS=Stunden #XBUT: MobiScroll Date&Time Picker Minutes Header MOBISCROLL_MINUTES=Minuten #XBUT: MobiScroll Date&Time Picker Seconds Header MOBISCROLL_SECONDS=Sekunden #XBUT: Show Now button of MobiScroll Date&Time Picker MOBISCROLL_NOW=Jetzt #XTOL: tooltip for open picker icon OPEN_PICKER_TEXT=Auswahl \u00F6ffnen #XBUT: The navigation button text in master area in SplitContainer SPLITCONTAINER_NAVBUTTON_TEXT=Navigation #XTOL: Tooltip for navigation button SPLITCONTAINER_NAVBUTTON_DEFAULT_TOOLTIP=Objektliste anzeigen #XTOL: Tooltip for navigation button SPLITCONTAINER_NAVBUTTON_TOOLTIP={0} anzeigen #XBUT: MessageBox predefined text for OK action MSGBOX_OK=OK #XBUT: MessageBox predefined text for CANCEL action MSGBOX_CANCEL=Abbrechen #XBUT: MessageBox predefined text for YES action MSGBOX_YES=Ja #XBUT: MessageBox predefined text for No action MSGBOX_NO=Nein #XBUT: MessageBox predefined text for ABORT action MSGBOX_ABORT=Abbrechen #XBUT: MessageBox predefined text for RETRY action MSGBOX_RETRY=Wiederholen #XBUT: MessageBox predefined text for IGNORE action MSGBOX_IGNORE=Ignorieren #XBUT: MessageBox predefined text for CLOSE action MSGBOX_CLOSE=Schlie\u00DFen #XBUT: MessageBox predefined text for DELETE action MSGBOX_DELETE=L\u00F6schen #XTIT: MessageBox predefined text for title of alert dialog MSGBOX_TITLE_ALERT=Warnung #XTIT: MessageBox predefined text for title of confirm dialog MSGBOX_TITLE_CONFIRM=Best\u00E4tigung #XTIT: MessageBox predefined text for title of confirm dialog MSGBOX_TITLE_ERROR=Fehler #XTIT: MessageBox predefined text for title of confirm dialog MSGBOX_TITLE_INFO=Information #XTIT: MessageBox predefined text for title of confirm dialog MSGBOX_TITLE_WARNING=Warnung #XTIT: MessageBox predefined text for title of confirm dialog MSGBOX_TITLE_SUCCESS=Erfolg #XLNK: MessageBox textLink MSGBOX_LINK_TITLE=Details anzeigen #YINS,30: Pull down to refresh text in the hidden area of a scrolled area PULL2REFRESH_PULLDOWN=Zum Aktualisieren ziehen #YINS,30: Release dragged list to start update request PULL2REFRESH_RELEASE=Zum Aktualisieren loslassen #YMSG,25: Refresh request is in process, short text, displayed on all platforms PULL2REFRESH_LOADING=Ladevorgang l\u00E4uft... #YMSG,32: Refresh request is in process, longer text, displayed smaller and only on certain platforms PULL2REFRESH_LOADING_LONG=Daten werden geladen #XBUT: Button to trigger refresh of the displayed data PULL2REFRESH_REFRESH=Aktualisieren #XBUT: Text displayed on the logout button in the top right corner of the Shell SHELL_LOGOUT=Abmelden #XBUT: Text for OK button in the personalization dialog PERSODIALOG_OK=OK #XBUT: Text for Cancel button in the personalization dialog PERSODIALOG_CANCEL=Abbrechen #XTOL: Tooltip for Reset Personalization toolbar button PERSODIALOG_UNDO=Personalisierung zur\u00FCcksetzen #XTOL: Tooltip for Perso Dialog's 'Move Up' button (displays an 'up' arrow) PERSODIALOG_UP=Spalte nach oben verschieben #XTOL: Tooltip for Perso Dialog's 'Move Down' button (displays a 'down' arrow) PERSODIALOG_DOWN=Spalte nach unten verschieben #XTIT: Title text of personalization dialog for columns PERSODIALOG_COLUMNS_TITLE=Spalten #XBUT: Text of personalization dialog for 'Select All' checkbox PERSODIALOG_SELECT_ALL=Alle #XTIT: Text of personalization dialog for its list to indicate no search hits PERSODIALOG_NO_DATA=Keine Spalten gefunden #XTIT: Predefined text for the view settings dialog title VIEWSETTINGS_TITLE=Einstellungen anzeigen #XTIT: Predefined text for the view settings dialog title when in sort mode VIEWSETTINGS_TITLE_SORT=Sortieren #XTIT: Predefined text for the view settings dialog title when in group mode VIEWSETTINGS_TITLE_GROUP=Gruppieren #XTIT: Predefined text for the view settings dialog title when in filter mode VIEWSETTINGS_TITLE_FILTER=Filtern #XTIT: Predefined text for the view settings dialog title when in filter detail mode (an item name is appended to this string) VIEWSETTINGS_TITLE_FILTERBY=Filtern nach\: #YMSG: Start text for the text representation of the filter state VIEWSETTINGS_FILTERTEXT=Gefiltert nach\: #XBUT: Button to confirm the view settings dialog VIEWSETTINGS_ACCEPT=OK #XBUT: Button to cancel the view settings dialog VIEWSETTINGS_CANCEL=Abbrechen #XBUT: Button to reset filters VIEWSETTINGS_RESET=Zur\u00FCcksetzen #XBLI: List item text in the view settings dialog that represents a "none of the above" or "none" selection in a single selection list VIEWSETTINGS_NONE_ITEM=Keine #XBLI: List item text in the view settings for sorting items in ascending order VIEWSETTINGS_ASCENDING_ITEM=Aufsteigend #XBLI: List item text in the view settings for sorting items in descending order VIEWSETTINGS_DESCENDING_ITEM=Absteigend #XTOL: Tooltip for the clear filter button VIEWSETTINGS_CLEAR_FILTER_TOOLTIP=Alle Filter zur\u00FCcksetzen #XTIT: Predefined text for the view settings dialog aria label for the sort list VIEWSETTINGS_SORT_DIRECTION=Sortierrichtung #XTIT: Predefined text for the view settings dialog aria label for the group list VIEWSETTINGS_GROUP_DIRECTION=Gruppenrichtung #XBLI: List group header in the view settings dialog VIEWSETTINGS_SORT_BY=Sortierreihenfolge #XBLI: List group header in the view settings dialog VIEWSETTINGS_SORT_OBJECT=Sortieren nach #XBLI: List group header in the view settings dialog VIEWSETTINGS_FILTER_BY=Filtern nach #XBLI: List group header in the view settings dialog VIEWSETTINGS_GROUP_BY=Gruppenreihenfolge #XBLI: List group header in the view settings dialog VIEWSETTINGS_GROUP_OBJECT=Gruppieren nach #XLST: Label for the select all checkbox used to select all facet filter items FACETFILTER_CHECKBOX_ALL=Alle #XLST: All Items in the list with the name of the list as a parameter: ex. Suppliers (All) FACETFILTER_ALL_SELECTED={0} (Alle) #XFLD: Search field prompt FACETFILTER_SEARCH=Suchen #XBUT: Either a single filter value or the number of selected values, displayed on facet filter button: ex. Suppliers (Dell) or Suppliers (6) FACETFILTER_ITEM_SELECTION={0} ({1}) #XACT: ARIA announcement for facet filter itself FACETFILTER_ARIA_FACET_FILTER=Facettenfilter #XTIT: Light flow facet filter dialog and facet add dialog title FACETFILTER_TITLE=Filter #XACT: ARIA announcement for the active facet filter FACETFILTER_ACTIVE_TITLE=Aktiver Filter #XBUT: Button to confirm facet filter dialogs FACETFILTER_ACCEPT=OK #XSEL: Infobar filter summary: ex. Filtered by Suppliers (Supplier1, Supplier2) FACETFILTER_INFOBAR_FILTERED_BY=Gefiltert nach {0} ({1}) #XSEL: Infobar filter summary when no filters selected FACETFILTER_INFOBAR_NO_FILTERS=Kein Filter ausgew\u00E4hlt #XSEL: Infobar filter add: ex. Filtered by Suppliers (Supplier1, Supplier2) and Items (Item1) FACETFILTER_INFOBAR_AND=und #XSEL: Infobar filter after add: ex. Filtered by Suppliers (Supplier1, Supplier2) and Items (Item1) FACETFILTER_INFOBAR_AFTER_AND={0} ({1}) #XSEL: Alternate infobar filter summary FACETFILTER_INFOBAR_FILTERS_APPLIED=Mehrere Filter aktiv #YMSG: Filter bar msg shown when there are more filters available that cannot be displayed because there is not enough room: ex. 2 More... FACETFILTER_MORE_COUNT={0} weitere... #YMSG: Message displayed in filter dialog when there are many more filters available but not shown: ex. 76 more available FACETFILTER_FILTERS_HUGE={0} weitere vorhanden #XLNK: Link to allow searching additional filter values from the server FACETFILTER_SERVER_SEARCH=Auf Server weitersuchen #XBUT: Button to remove a filter from the filter bar FACETFILTER_REMOVE_FILTER=Filter entfernen #XACT: ARIA announcement for the position of the list items in an entire list FACETFILTERLIST_ARIA_POSITION={0} von {1} #XACT: ARIA announcement for the title of the facet filter dialog FACETFILTER_AVAILABLE_FILTER_NAMES=Verf\u00FCgbare Filternamen #YMSG: Message displayed near the list of selection items in the SelectDialg and TableSelectDialog controls. It will be filled with the number of selected items TABLESELECTDIALOG_SELECTEDITEMS=Ausgew\u00E4hlt\: {0} #YMSG: Reset button of TableSelectDialog TABLESELECTDIALOG_CLEARBUTTON=Leeren #YMSG: Reset button of SelectDialog SELECTDIALOG_CLEARBUTTON=Leeren #YMSG: Default placeholder for the input field of a feed FEEDINPUT_PLACEHOLDER=Hier etwas posten #XTOL: Tooltip for submit button of a feed input FEEDINPUT_SUBMIT=Abschicken #XBUT: A link that can be clicked to display more/all items INPUT_SUGGESTIONS_SHOW_ALL=Alle Elemente anzeigen #XACT: ARIA announcement for the Input suggestion result if one hit INPUT_SUGGESTIONS_ONE_HIT=1 Ergebnis verf\u00FCgbar #XACT: ARIA announcement for the Input suggestion result if more than one hit ({0} is the number of hits) INPUT_SUGGESTIONS_MORE_HITS={0} Ergebnisse sind verf\u00FCgbar #XACT: ARIA announcement for the Input suggestion result if no hit INPUT_SUGGESTIONS_NO_HIT=Keine Ergebnisse #XACT: ARIA announcement for the value help INPUT_VALUEHELP=Wertehilfe verf\u00FCgbar #XACT: ARIA announcement for the value help button INPUT_VALUEHELP_BUTTON=Wertehilfe anzeigen #XACT: ARIA announcement disabled input (e.g. for value help only) INPUT_DISABLED=Texteingabe deaktiviert #XACT: ARIA announcement for suggestions popup INPUT_AVALIABLE_VALUES=Verf\u00FCgbare Werte #XACT: ARIA announcement for the Input's value state "Error" INPUTBASE_VALUE_STATE_ERROR=Wertzustand Fehler #XACT: ARIA announcement for the Input's value state "Warning" INPUTBASE_VALUE_STATE_WARNING=Wertzustand Warnung #XACT: ARIA announcement for the Input's value state "Success" INPUTBASE_VALUE_STATE_SUCCESS=Wertzustand Erfolg #XACT: ARIA announcement for the Input's value state "Information" INPUTBASE_VALUE_STATE_INFORMATION=Wertzustand Information #XMSG: Text used for value state error message when an item is already selected VALUE_STATE_ERROR_ALREADY_SELECTED=Wert ist bereits ausgew\u00E4hlt. #XBUT,10: Tooltip for button to remove facet list FACETFILTER_REMOVE=Facette entfernen #XBUT: ARIA announcement for removable facet FACETFILTER_ARIA_REMOVE=Entfernbare Facette\: entfernen mit L\u00D6SCHEN #XBUT: Tooltip for button to add facet filter list FACETFILTER_ADDFACET=Filter hinzuf\u00FCgen #XBUT: Tooltip for button to reset filter FACETFILTER_RESET=Filter zur\u00FCcksetzen #XBUT: Tooltip for left scrolling arrow FACETFILTER_PREVIOUS=Zur\u00FCck #XBUT: Tooltip for right scrolling arrow FACETFILTER_NEXT=Weiter #XLNK: Link to allow the user to see complete feed post TEXT_SHOW_MORE=MEHR #XLNK: This link allows the user to hide the complete feed post and display only the first lines TEXT_SHOW_LESS=WENIGER #XFLD: Label text for number of attachments in the UploadCollection control UPLOADCOLLECTION_ATTACHMENTS=Anlagen ({0}) #XMSG: Message text for deleting a file in the UploadCollection control UPLOADCOLLECTION_DELETE_TEXT=M\u00F6chten Sie ''{0}'' wirklich l\u00F6schen? #XMSG: Message text for deleting a file in the UploadCollection control without filename UPLOADCOLLECTION_DELETE_WITHOUT_FILENAME_TEXT=M\u00F6chten Sie die Datei wirklich l\u00F6schen? #XMSG: Message title for deleting a file in the UploadCollection control UPLOADCOLLECTION_DELETE_TITLE=Datei l\u00F6schen #XMSG: Message text for a popup to terminate a file uploading in the UploadCollection control UPLOADCOLLECTION_TERMINATE_TEXT=Das Hochladen der folgenden Dateien wird beendet\: #XMSG: Message title for a popup to terminate a file uploading in the UploadCollection control UPLOADCOLLECTION_TERMINATE_TITLE=Upload abbrechen #XMSG: Message text file name already exists in the UploadCollection control UPLOADCOLLECTION_EXISTS=Dateiname bereits vorhanden. #XMSG: Message text informing that a file name must be entered during edit file name in the UploadCollection control UPLOADCOLLECTION_TYPE_FILENAME=Geben Sie einen Dateinamen ein. #XMSG: Message text for uploading status to the UploadCollection control UPLOADCOLLECTION_UPLOADING=Hochladen\: {0} % #XMSG: Message title for the Upload Failed message box UPLOADCOLLECTION_FAILED=Hochladen fehlgeschlagen #XMSG: Message text informing that it is not allowed to upload the selected file(s) (MIME type or file extension not allowed) UPLOADCOLLECTION_MISMATCH=Dateityp nicht erlaubt. #XMSG: Message text informing that upload is completed UPLOADCOLLECTION_UPLOAD_COMPLETED=Upload abgeschlossen. Bitte warten Sie, bis der Server die Verarbeitung abgeschlossen hat. #XMSG: Message text informing that only one file can be dropped if uploading multiple files is not allowed UPLOADCOLLECTION_MULTIPLE_FALSE=Nur eine Datei kann hierher gezogen werden. #XBUT: Button text for cancel button in the upload collection UPLOADCOLLECTION_CANCELBUTTON_TEXT=Abbrechen #XBUT: Text for OK button in the upload collection in case of Delete Dialog UPLOADCOLLECTION_OKBUTTON_TEXT=OK #XBUT: Text for Rename button in the upload collection in case of renaming a file UPLOADCOLLECTION_RENAMEBUTTON_TEXT=Umbenennen #XBUT: Text for DELETE button in the upload collection UPLOADCOLLECTION_DELETEBUTTON_TEXT=L\u00F6schen #XBUT: Text for TERMINATE button in the upload collection UPLOADCOLLECTION_TERMINATEBUTTON_TEXT=Beenden #XBUT: Text for RENAME button in the upload collection UPLOADCOLLECTION_EDITBUTTON_TEXT=Umbenennen #XBUT: Text for Add button in the upload collection UPLOADCOLLECTION_ADD=Hinzuf\u00FCgen #XBUT: Text for Upload button in the upload collection UPLOADCOLLECTION_UPLOAD=Hochladen #XMSG: Message text for no data text in the upload collection UPLOADCOLLECTION_NO_DATA_TEXT=Keine Dateien gefunden. #XMSG: Message text for no data description in the upload collection UPLOADCOLLECTION_NO_DATA_DESCRIPTION=Dateien f\u00FCr Upload hierher ziehen oder Drucktaste "Hochladen" verwenden. #XMSG: Message text indicating where to drag UPLOADCOLLECTION_DRAG_FILE_INDICATOR=Dateien hierher ziehen #XMSG: Message text indicating where to drop file and upload UPLOADCOLLECTION_DROP_FILE_INDICATOR=Dateien f\u00FCr Upload hierher ziehen #XTXT: Text for 'Complete' upload state in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_ITEM_COMPLETE_STATE=Abgeschlossen #XTXT: Text for 'Error' upload state in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_ITEM_ERROR_STATE=Abgebrochen #XTXT: Text for 'Ready' upload state in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_ITEM_READY_STATE=Ausstehend #XTXT: Text for 'Uploading' upload state in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_ITEM_UPLOADING_STATE=Upload l\u00E4uft #XBUT: Text for 'Restart' button in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_RESTART_BUTTON_TEXT=Neu starten #XBUT: Text for 'Edit' button in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_EDIT_BUTTON_TEXT=Bearbeiten #XBUT: Text for 'Rename' button in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_RENAME_BUTTON_TEXT=Umbenennen #XBUT: Text for 'Cancel' button in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_CANCEL_BUTTON_TEXT=Abbrechen #XMSG: Message text informing that a file name must be entered during editing of the file name in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_TYPE_FILE_NAME=Geben Sie einen Dateinamen ein. #XMSG: Message text informning that the file name already exists in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_FILE_NAME_EXISTS=Dateiname bereits vorhanden. #XBUT: Text for 'Remove' button in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_DELETE_BUTTON_TEXT=Entfernen #XBUT: Text for 'Terminate' button in the upload set item UPLOAD_SET_TERMINATE_BUTTON_TEXT=Beenden #XMSG: Message text for removing a file in the upload set without a file name UPLOAD_SET_DELETE_WITHOUT_FILE_NAME_TEXT=Wollen Sie die Datei wirklich entfernen? #XMSG: Message text for removing a file in the upload set UPLOAD_SET_DELETE_TEXT=Wollen Sie {0} wirklich entfernen? #XMSG: Message title for removing a file in the upload set UPLOAD_SET_DELETE_TITLE=Datei entfernen #XTIT: Message title for a popup to terminate a file uploading in the upload set UPLOAD_SET_TERMINATE_TITLE=Hochladen beenden #XMSG: Message text for a popup to terminate a file uploading in the upload set UPLOAD_SET_TERMINATE_TEXT=Das Hochladen der folgenden Dateien wird beendet\: #XBUT: Text for OK button in the upload set in case of Delete Dialog UPLOAD_SET_OKBUTTON_TEXT=OK #XMSG: Message text informing that upload is completed UPLOAD_SET_UPLOAD_COMPLETED=Upload abgeschlossen. Bitte warten Sie, bis der Server die Verarbeitung abgeschlossen hat. #XMSG: Message text for no data text in the upload set UPLOAD_SET_NO_DATA_TEXT=Keine Dateien gefunden. #XMSG: Message text for no data description in the upload set UPLOAD_SET_NO_DATA_DESCRIPTION=Dateien f\u00FCr Upload hierher ziehen oder Taste "+" verwenden. #XTIT: Predefined text for title in the personalization dialog - Settings for the view ('view' here is a noun). P13NDIALOG_VIEW_SETTINGS=Anzeigeeinstellungen #XTIT: dialog title if the dialog contains only filter panel P13NDIALOG_TITLE_FILTER=Filter definieren #XTIT: dialog title if the dialog contains only sort panel P13NDIALOG_TITLE_SORT=Sortierung definieren #XTIT: dialog title if the dialog contains only group panel P13NDIALOG_TITLE_GROUP=Gruppen definieren #XTIT: dialog title if the dialog contains only columns panel P13NDIALOG_TITLE_COLUMNS=Spalteneigenschaften definieren #XTIT: dialog title if the dialog contains only panel for dimensions and measures P13NDIALOG_TITLE_DIMEASURE=Diagrammeigenschaften definieren #XBUT: Text for OK button in the personalization dialog P13NDIALOG_OK=OK #XBUT: Text for Cancel button in the personalization dialog P13NDIALOG_CANCEL=Abbrechen #XBUT: Text for Reset button in the personalization dialog P13NDIALOG_RESET=Zur\u00FCcksetzen #XTIT: Text for Fix button in ValidationDialog P13NDIALOG_VALIDATION_FIX=Beheben #XTIT: personalization dialog ValidationDialog predefined title for warning P13NDIALOG_VALIDATION_TITLE=Warnung #XTIT: personalization dialog ValidationDialog predefined title for error P13NDIALOG_VALIDATION_TITLE_ERROR=Fehler #XTIT: personalization dialog ValidationDialog predefined message P13NDIALOG_VALIDATION_MESSAGE=Fehlende oder falsche Filterwerte #XTIT: personalization dialog ValidationDialog predefined message for columns panel P13NDIALOG_VISIBLE_ITEMS_THRESHOLD_MESSAGE=Die Auswahl vieler Spalten kann sich negativ auf die Performance auswirken #XTIT: personalization dialog ValidationDialog predefined message for P13nDimMeasure P13NDIALOG_VALIDATION_CHARTTYPE=Die ausgew\u00E4hlten Dimensionen und Kennzahlen k\u00F6nnen nicht mit diesem Diagrammtyp verwendet werden. #XTIT: personalization dialog ValidationDialog predefined question an the end P13NDIALOG_VALIDATION_MESSAGE_QUESTION=M\u00F6chten Sie Ihre Eintr\u00E4ge korrigieren? #XTIT: on some personalization panels "(none)" as 'column key' means that no criteria was defined P13NDIALOG_SELECTION_NONE=(keine) #XTIT: Filterpanel predefined title for Include filter FILTERPANEL_INCLUDES=Einschlie\u00DFen #XTIT: Filterpanel predefined title for Exclude filter FILTERPANEL_EXCLUDES=Ausschlie\u00DFen #XTIT: Text for title 'Filter' in the personalization dialog FILTERPANEL_TITLE=Filtern #XTIT: Text for title 'Sort' in the personalization dialog SORTPANEL_TITLE=Sortieren #XTIT: Text for title 'Group' in the personalization dialog GROUPPANEL_TITLE=Gruppieren #XFLD: Label text for combobox control CONDITIONPANEL_FIELD_LABEL=Feld\: #XFLD: Label text for select control CONDITIONPANEL_OPERATOR_LABEL=Operator\: #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONBT=zwischen #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONEQ=gleich #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONContains=enth\u00E4lt #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONGT=gr\u00F6\u00DFer als #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONGE=gr\u00F6\u00DFer oder gleich #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONLT=kleiner als #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONLE=kleiner oder gleich #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONInitial=initial #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONStartsWith=beginnt mit #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONEndsWith=endet auf #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONAscending=Aufsteigend #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONDescending=Absteigend #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONGroupAscending=Aufsteigend #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONGroupDescending=Absteigend #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONTotal=Summe #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONAverage=Durchschnitt #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONMinimum=Minimum #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONMaximum=Maximum #XTIT: ConditionPanel Empty CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONEmpty=leer #XTIT: ConditionPanel NotEmpty CONDITIONPANEL_OPTIONNotEmpty=nicht leer #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for date CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_DATE_BT=zwischen #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for date CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_DATE_EQ=gleich #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for date CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_DATE_GT=nach dem #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for date CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_DATE_GE=am oder nach dem #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for date CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_DATE_LT=vor dem #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for date CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_DATE_LE=vor dem oder am #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for date CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_DATE_Empty=leer #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for numeric CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_NUMERIC_BT=zwischen #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for numeric CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_NUMERIC_EQ=gleich #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for numeric CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_NUMERIC_GT=gr\u00F6\u00DFer als #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for numeric CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_NUMERIC_GE=gr\u00F6\u00DFer oder gleich #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for numeric CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_NUMERIC_LT=kleiner als #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option for numeric CONDITIONPANEL_OPTION_NUMERIC_LE=kleiner oder gleich #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option Label CONDITIONPANEL_LABELFROM=von #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option Label CONDITIONPANEL_LABELTO=bis #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option Label CONDITIONPANEL_LABELVALUE=Wert #XTIT: ConditionPanel Option Label CONDITIONPANEL_LABELGROUPING=Feld als Spalte anzeigen #XTOL: ConditionPanel predefined text for tooltip on plus buttons CONDITIONPANEL_ADD_TOOLTIP=Neue Zeile hinzuf\u00FCgen #XTOL: ConditionPanel predefined text for tooltip on remove buttons CONDITIONPANEL_REMOVE_TOOLTIP=Zeile entfernen #XTOL: ConditionPanel predefined text for tooltip on plus buttons CONDITIONPANEL_ADD_FILTER_TOOLTIP=Filter hinzuf\u00FCgen #XTOL: ConditionPanel predefined text for tooltip on remove buttons CONDITIONPANEL_REMOVE_FILTER_TOOLTIP=Filter entfernen #XTOL: ConditionPanel predefined text for tooltip on plus buttons CONDITIONPANEL_ADD_SORT_TOOLTIP=Sortierkriterium hinzuf\u00FCgen #XTOL: ConditionPanel predefined text for tooltip on remove buttons CONDITIONPANEL_REMOVE_SORT_TOOLTIP=Sortierkriterium entfernen #XTOL: ConditionPanel predefined text for tooltip on plus buttons CONDITIONPANEL_ADD_GROUP_TOOLTIP=Gruppierungskriterium hinzuf\u00FCgen #XTOL: ConditionPanel predefined text for tooltip on remove buttons CONDITIONPANEL_REMOVE_GROUP_TOOLTIP=Gruppierungskriterium entfernen #XTOL: ConditionPanel predefined text for tooltip on plus buttons CONDITIONPANEL_ADD_CONDITION_TOOLTIP=Bedingung hinzuf\u00FCgen #XTOL: ConditionPanel predefined text for tooltip on remove buttons CONDITIONPANEL_REMOVE_CONDITION_TOOLTIP=Bedingung entfernen #XBUT: ConditionPanel predefined text for remove all button CONDITIONPANEL_REMOVE_ALL=Alle entfernen #XTIT: ConditionPanel predefined field warning hint CONDITIONPANEL_FIELDMESSAGE=G\u00FCltigen Wert eingeben #XTIT: Text for title 'Chart' in the personalization dialog CHARTPANEL_TITLE=Diagramm #XTIT: Text for title 'Columns' in the personalization dialog COLUMSPANEL_TITLE=Spalten #XBUT: ColumnsPanel Show All button COLUMNSPANEL_SHOW_ALL=Alle anzeigen #XBUT: ColumnsPanel Show Selected button COLUMNSPANEL_SHOW_SELECTED=Ausgew\u00E4hlte anzeigen #XLST: ColumnsPanel Select All label COLUMNSPANEL_SELECT_ALL=Alle ausw\u00E4hlen #XLST: ColumnsPanel Select All label COLUMNSPANEL_SELECT_ALL_WITH_COUNTER=Alle ausw\u00E4hlen ({0}/{1}) #XTOL: Tooltip for MOVE: ToStart button COLUMNSPANEL_MOVE_TO_TOP=Nach ganz oben verschieben #XTOL: Tooltip for MOVE: Up button COLUMNSPANEL_MOVE_UP=Nach oben verschieben #XTOL: Tooltip for MOVE: Down button COLUMNSPANEL_MOVE_DOWN=Nach unten verschieben #XTOL: Tooltip for MOVE: ToEnd button COLUMNSPANEL_MOVE_TO_BOTTOM=Nach ganz unten verschieben #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Type caption COLUMNSPANEL_COLUMN_TYPE=Typ #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Type COLUMNSPANEL_TYPE_DIMENSION=Dimension #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Type COLUMNSPANEL_TYPE_MEASURE=Kennzahl #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Role caption COLUMNSPANEL_COLUMN_ROLE=Rolle #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Role COLUMNSPANEL_CHARTROLE_CATEGORY=Kategorie #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Role COLUMNSPANEL_CHARTROLE_CATEGORY2=Kategorie 2 #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Role COLUMNSPANEL_CHARTROLE_SERIES=Serie #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Role COLUMNSPANEL_CHARTROLE_AXIS1=Achse 1 #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Role COLUMNSPANEL_CHARTROLE_AXIS2=Achse 2 #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Role COLUMNSPANEL_CHARTROLE_AXIS3=Achse 3 #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Role COLUMNSPANEL_CHARTROLE_AXIS4=Achse 4 #XLST: ColumnsPanel Chart Type COLUMNSPANEL_CHARTTYPE=Diagrammtyp #XFLD: Subtle link description label LINK_SUBTLE=Dezent #XFLD: Emphasized link description label LINK_EMPHASIZED=Hervorgehoben #XACT: ARIA announcement for the search field F5 keyboard shortcut SEARCHFIELD_ARIA_F5=Aktualisieren mit F5 #XACT: ARIA announcement for the F4 value help keyboard shortcut VALUEHELP_ARIA_F4=Hilfedialog mit F4-Taste \u00F6ffnen #XACT: ARIA announcement for the ObjectNumber's value state "Error" OBJECTNUMBER_ARIA_VALUE_STATE_ERROR=Wertzustand Fehler #XACT: ARIA announcement for the ObjectNumber's value state "Warning" OBJECTNUMBER_ARIA_VALUE_STATE_WARNING=Wertzustand Warnung #XACT: ARIA announcement for the ObjectNumber's value state "Success" OBJECTNUMBER_ARIA_VALUE_STATE_SUCCESS=Wertzustand Erfolg #XACT: ARIA announcement for the ObjectNumber's value state "Information" OBJECTNUMBER_ARIA_VALUE_STATE_INFORMATION=Wertzustand Information #XACT: ARIA text for tab separator icons ICONTABBAR_NEXTSTEP=N\u00E4chster Schritt #XACT: ARIA text for positive icon color ICONTABBAR_ICONCOLOR_POSITIVE=Positiv #XACT: ARIA text for critical icon color ICONTABBAR_ICONCOLOR_CRITICAL=Kritisch #XACT: ARIA text for negative icon color ICONTABBAR_ICONCOLOR_NEGATIVE=Negativ #XACT: Label for Overflow button ('More' button) in IconTabHeader ICONTABHEADER_OVERFLOW_MORE=Mehr #XACT: ARIA description for IconTabFilter split tab ICONTABFILTER_SPLIT_TAB=Registerkarte teilen #XACT: ARIA text of current selected value vs. max. possible value of the RatingIndicator control RATING_VALUEARIATEXT={0} von {1} #XACT: ARIA description of the RatingIndicator control RATING_ARIA_NAME=Bewertung #XACT: ARIA description for ObjectHeader and ObjectListItem`s favorite property ARIA_FAVORITE_MARK_VALUE=Favorit #XACT: ARIA description for ObjectHeader and ObjectListItem`s flag property ARIA_FLAG_MARK_VALUE=Kennzeichen #XACT: ARIA description for ObjectHeader icon infront of the title when it's active OH_ARIA_ICON=Symbol #XACT: ARIA description for Shell logo SHELL_ARIA_LOGO=Logo #XTXT: MessagePage text MESSAGE_PAGE_TEXT=Keine passenden Elemente gefunden. #XTXT: MessagePage description MESSAGE_PAGE_DESCRIPTION=\u00DCberpr\u00FCfen Sie die Filtereinstellungen #XFLD: Token number indicator which is used to show more tokens in Tokenizers inside MultiInput and MultiComboBox MULTIINPUT_SHOW_MORE_TOKENS={0} mehr #XACT: ARIA announcement for MultiComboBox/MultiInput with Nmore indicator and readonly mode. MULTICOMBOBOX_OPEN_NMORE_POPOVER=W\u00E4hlen Sie Enter, um die Liste mit den ausgew\u00E4hlten Elementen zu \u00F6ffnen. #XFLD: Token number indicator which is used to show all tokens in Tokenizer when all of the tokens are hidden TOKENIZER_SHOW_ALL_ITEM={0} Element #XFLD: Token number indicator which is used to show all tokens in Tokenizer when all of the tokens are hidden TOKENIZER_SHOW_ALL_ITEMS={0} Elemente #XACT: ARIA announcement for tokens TOKENIZER_ARIA_CONTAIN_TOKEN=Kann Tokens enthalten #XACT: ARIA announcement for tokenizer with 1 token TOKENIZER_ARIA_CONTAIN_ONE_TOKEN=Enth\u00E4lt 1 Token #XACT: ARIA announcement for tokenizer with n tokens TOKENIZER_ARIA_CONTAIN_SEVERAL_TOKENS=Enth\u00E4lt {0} Tokens #XACT: ARIA announcement for tokenizer label TOKENIZER_ARIA_LABEL=Tokenizer #XACT: ARIA announcement for token label TOKEN_ARIA_LABEL=Token #XACT: ARIA announcement for token deletable TOKEN_ARIA_DELETABLE=L\u00F6schbar #XACT: ARIA announcement for token selected TOKEN_ARIA_SELECTED=Ausgew\u00E4hlt #XACT: ARIA announcement for the ObjectListItem unread mark OBJECTLISTITEM_ARIA_UNREAD_VALUE=Ungelesen #XACT: ARIA announcement for the ObjectListItem locked mark OBJECTLISTITEM_ARIA_LOCKED_MARK_VALUE=Gesperrt #XBUT: MessagePopover predefined text for CLOSE action MESSAGEPOPOVER_CLOSE=Schlie\u00DFen #XBUT: MessagePopover predefined text for All Button MESSAGEPOPOVER_ALL=Alle #XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessagePopover back buttons tooltip MESSAGEPOPOVER_ARIA_BACK_BUTTON_TOOLTIP=Zur\u00FCck zu Nachrichten #XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessagePopover back buttons MESSAGEPOPOVER_ARIA_BACK_BUTTON=Nachrichtendetails #XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessagePopover heading MESSAGEPOPOVER_ARIA_HEADING=Nachrichten #XTOL: Message view error button tooltip MESSAGEVIEW_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_ERROR=Fehler #XTOL: Message view success button tooltip MESSAGEVIEW_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_SUCCESS=Erfolgreich #XTOL: Message view warning button tooltip MESSAGEVIEW_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_WARNING=Warnung #XTOL: Message view information button tooltip MESSAGEVIEW_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_INFORMATION=Informationen #XACT: ARIA announcement for the accept button BUTTON_ARIA_TYPE_ACCEPT=Positive Aktion #XACT: ARIA announcement for the reject button BUTTON_ARIA_TYPE_REJECT=Negative Aktion #XACT: ARIA announcement for the attention button BUTTON_ARIA_TYPE_ATTENTION='Achtung'-Aktion #XACT: ARIA announcement for the emphasized button BUTTON_ARIA_TYPE_EMPHASIZED=Hervorgehoben #XACT: ARIA announcement for the critical button BUTTON_ARIA_TYPE_CRITICAL=Warnungsart #XACT: ARIA announcement for the negative button BUTTON_ARIA_TYPE_NEGATIVE=Fehlerart #XACT: ARIA announcement for the success button BUTTON_ARIA_TYPE_SUCCESS=Erfolgsart #XACT: ARIA text for position markers CAROUSEL_POSITION=Element {0} von {1} wird angezeigt #XTXT: Text between numbers in the numeric page indicator CAROUSEL_PAGE_INDICATOR_TEXT={0} von {1} #XTXT: Error message for Carousel when no pages are loaded due to any reason. CAROUSEL_ERROR_MESSAGE=Der Inhalt konnte nicht geladen werden. #XTXT: colon separator COLON=\: #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Edit button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_EDIT=Bearbeiten #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Save button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_SAVE=Sichern #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Delete button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_DELETE=L\u00F6schen #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Cancel button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_CANCEL=Abbrechen #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Approve button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_APPROVE=Genehmigen #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Reject button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_REJECT=Ablehnen #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Forward button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_FORWARD=Weiterleiten #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Open in button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_OPEN_IN=\u00D6ffnen in... #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Sort button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_SORT=Sortieren #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Filter button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_FILTER=Filtern #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Group button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_GROUP=Gruppieren #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Flag button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_FLAG=Markieren #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Favorite button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_FAVORITE=Favorit #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Add button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_ADD=Hinzuf\u00FCgen #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Send Email button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_SEND_EMAIL=E-Mail senden #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Discuss in SAP Jam button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_DISCUSS_IN_JAM=In SAP Jam diskutieren #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Share in SAP Jam button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_SHARE_IN_JAM=\u00DCber SAP Jam teilen #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Send Message button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_SEND_MESSAGE=Nachricht senden #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Save as Tile button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_SAVE_AS_TILE=Als Kachel sichern #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Print button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_PRINT=Drucken #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Multi select button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_MULTI_SELECT=Mehrfachauswahl #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Multi select cancel button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_MULTI_SELECT_CANCEL=Mehrfachauswahl aufheben #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl Message indicator button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_MESSAGES_INDICATOR=Nachrichten #XBUT: sap.m.semantic.SemanticControl "Action" Share button text SEMANTIC_CONTROL_ACTION_SHARE=Teilen #XTXT: sap.m.semantic.DetailPage title SEMANTIC_DETAIL_PAGE_TITLE=Details #XTXT: sap.m.semantic.MasterPage title SEMANTIC_MASTER_PAGE_TITLE=Master #XFLD: sap.m.DraftIndicator Saving Draft indicator text DRAFT_INDICATOR_SAVING_DRAFT=Entwurf wird gesichert... #XFLD: sap.m.DraftIndicator Draft saved indicator text DRAFT_INDICATOR_DRAFT_SAVED=Entwurf wurde gesichert #XBUT: Wizard predefined text for Cancel button WIZARD_CANCEL=Abbrechen #XBUT: Wizard predefined text for Next button WIZARD_NEXT=Weiter #XBUT: Wizard predefined text for Finish button WIZARD_FINISH=\u00DCberpr\u00FCfen #XACT: Aria information for the Date Picker DATEPICKER_DATE_TYPE=Datumstyp #XBUT: Date Selection button text of Date Picker control DATEPICKER_SELECTION_CONFIRM=OK #XBUT: Cancel/Close button text of Date Picker control DATEPICKER_SELECTION_CANCEL=Abbrech. #XACT: WizardProgressNavigator predefined text for step WIZARD_PROG_NAV_STEP_TITLE=Schritt #XBUT: Wizard predefined text for Step button WIZARD_STEP=Schritt #XACT: Aria label for the wizard WIZARD_LABEL=Assistent #XTOL: Tooltip for the flag icon inside sap.m.ObjectHeader, showing that the item is flagged TOOLTIP_OH_FLAG_MARK_VALUE=Markiert #XTOL: Tooltip for the favorite icon inside sap.m.ObjectHeader, showing that the item is favorite TOOLTIP_OH_FAVORITE_MARK_VALUE=Favorit #XTOL: Tooltip for the select title arrow inside sap.m.ObjectHeader OH_SELECT_ARROW_TOOLTIP=Verwandte Optionen #XTXT: Text value for marker type Flag OM_FLAG=Markiert #XTXT: Text value for marker type Favorite OM_FAVORITE=Favorit #XTXT: Text value for marker type Draft OM_DRAFT=Entwurf #XTXT: Text value for marker type Locked OM_LOCKED=Gesperrt #XTXT: Text value for marker type LockedBy that shows who has locked the object, e.g. Locked by {User name} OM_LOCKED_BY=Gesperrt von {0} #XTXT: Text value for marker type Locked by another user OM_LOCKED_BY_ANOTHER_USER=Gesperrt durch anderen Benutzer #XTXT: Text value for marker type Unsaved Changes OM_UNSAVED=Nicht gesicherte \u00C4nderungen #XTXT: Text value for marker type UnsavedBy Changes that shows who has unsaved changes, e.g. Unsaved Changes by {User name} OM_UNSAVED_BY=Nicht gesicherte \u00C4nderungen von {0} #XTXT: Text value for marker type Unsaved by another user OM_UNSAVED_BY_ANOTHER_USER=Nicht gesicherte \u00C4nderungen eines anderen Benutzers #XTOL: Tooltip for "Send SMS" in QuickView QUICKVIEW_SEND_SMS=SMS schicken #XTXT: Text for character left TEXTAREA_CHARACTER_LEFT={0} Zeichen verbleibend #XTXT: Text for characters left TEXTAREA_CHARACTERS_LEFT={0} Zeichen verbleibend #XTXT: Text for character over TEXTAREA_CHARACTER_EXCEEDED={0} Zeichen \u00FCber Limit #XTXT: Text for characters over TEXTAREA_CHARACTERS_EXCEEDED={0} Zeichen \u00FCber Limit #XTOL: Tooltip for the flag icon inside sap.m.ObjectListItem, showing that the item is flagged TOOLTIP_OLI_FLAG_MARK_VALUE=Markiert #XTOL: Tooltip for the favorite icon inside sap.m.ObjectListItem, showing that the item is favorite TOOLTIP_OLI_FAVORITE_MARK_VALUE=Favorit #XTOL: Tooltip for the locked icon inside sap.m.ObjectListItem, showing that the item is locked TOOLTIP_OLI_LOCK_MARK_VALUE=Gesperrt #XBUT: Time Selection button text of Time Picker control TIMEPICKER_SET=OK #XBUT: Cancel/Close button text of Time Picker control TIMEPICKER_CANCEL=Abbrechen #YACT: ARIA tag of Time Picker control TIMEPICKER_SCREENREADER_TAG=Uhrzeitauswahl #YACT: ARIA tag of Time Picker control with format as placeholder TIMEPICKER_WITH_PH_SCREENREADER_TAG=Uhrzeitauswahl im Format {0} #XFLD: Label of the hours value slider inside a Time Picker control TIMEPICKER_LBL_HOURS=Stunden #XFLD: Label of the minutes value slider inside a Time Picker control TIMEPICKER_LBL_MINUTES=Minuten #XFLD: Label of the seconds value slider inside a Time Picker control TIMEPICKER_LBL_SECONDS=Sekunden #XFLD: Label of the am/pm value slider inside a Time Picker control TIMEPICKER_LBL_AMPM=AM/PM #XACT: Text announced by the screen reader, when TimePicker' popover opens TIMEPICKER_SET_TIME=Zeit festlegen #XACT: ARIA label for Breadcrumbs BREADCRUMB_LABEL=Navigationspfad #XTOL: Tooltip text for Breadcrumbs select BREADCRUMB_SELECT_TOOLTIP=Mehr #XACT: Unread status of Notification List Item NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_UNREAD=Benachrichtigung ungelesen. #XACT: Read status of Notification List Item NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_READ=Benachrichtigung gelesen. #XACT: Unread status of Notification Group Item NOTIFICATION_LIST_GROUP_UNREAD=Benachrichtigungsgruppe ungelesen. #XACT: Read status of Notification Group Item NOTIFICATION_LIST_GROUP_READ=Benachrichtigungsgruppe gelesen. #XACT: ARIA text for datetime NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_DATETIME=F\u00E4llig in {0}. #XACT: ARIA text for priority NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_PRIORITY=Priorit\u00E4t {0}. #XACT: ARIA text for priority NOTIFICATION_LIST_GROUP_PRIORITY=Priorit\u00E4t {0}. #XFLD: text that will be displayed when tile failed to load INFOTILE_CANNOT_LOAD_TILE=Kachel kann nicht geladen werden #XFLD: text that will be read while tile is loading INFOTILE_LOADING=Wird geladen #XTXT: text for critical color SEMANTIC_COLOR_CRITICAL=Warnung #XTXT: text for good color SEMANTIC_COLOR_GOOD=Gut #XTXT: text for neutral color SEMANTIC_COLOR_NEUTRAL=Neutral #XTXT: text for error color SEMANTIC_COLOR_ERROR=Kritisch #XTOL: NUMERICCONTENT_DEVIATION_UP=Aufsteigend #XTOL: NUMERICCONTENT_DEVIATION_DOWN=Absteigend #YACT: ARIA tag of MaskInput control MASKINPUT_SCREENREADER_TAG=Maskiert #YACT: ARIA description of MaskInput control MASKINPUT_SCREENREADER_DESCRIPTION=Das fokussierte, maskierte Eingabefeld wird formatiert und vorgef\u00FCllt. Das Symbol {0} ist f\u00FCr einen Platzhalter reserviert. Der in dieses Feld einzugebende Wert hat das Format {1}, wobei jedes Symbol einer Regel entspricht. Bei einer Regel handelt es sich um eine Folge von Zeichen, die f\u00FCr ihre konkrete Position erlaubt sind. Symbole, die keine Regel haben, sind unver\u00E4nderbare Zeichen, und Teil der Werteformatierung. #XACT: ARIA scroll back button for tabstrip TABSTRIP_SCROLL_BACK=Bildlauf zur\u00FCck #XACT: ARIA scroll forward button for tabstrip TABSTRIP_SCROLL_FORWARD=Bildlauf vorw\u00E4rts #XACT: ARIA static text for modified tabstrip item TABSTRIP_ITEM_MODIFIED=Nicht gesichert #XACT: ARIA static text for not-modified tabstrip item TABSTRIP_ITEM_NOT_MODIFIED=Gesichert #XACT: ARIA static text for closable tabstrip item TABSTRIP_ITEM_CLOSABLE=Schlie\u00DFbar #XFLD: Footer text for TileContent TILECONTENT_FOOTER_TEXT={0}, {1} #XBUT: Button text for collapsing the Notification List Group NOTIFICATION_LIST_GROUP_COLLAPSE=Gruppe komprimieren #XBUT: Button text for expanding the Notification List Group NOTIFICATION_LIST_GROUP_EXPAND=Gruppe expandieren #XACT: ARIA add new tab button for tabstrip TABCONTAINER_ADD_NEW_TAB=Neue Registerkarte hinzuf\u00FCgen #XACT: ARIA dropdown button for tabstrip TABSTRIP_OPENED_TABS=Offene Registerkarten #XTOL: Tooltip of close tab strip item button TABSTRIP_ITEM_CLOSE_BTN=Schlie\u00DFen #XBUT: Button text for expanding a Notification List Item NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_SHOW_MORE=Mehr anzeigen #XBUT: Button text for collapsing a Notification List Item NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_SHOW_LESS=Weniger anzeigen #XBUT: Date button of DateTimePicker on small screens DATETIMEPICKER_DATE=Datum #XBUT: Time button of DateTimePicker on small screens DATETIMEPICKER_TIME=Zeit #XACT: Aria information for the Date Time Picker DATETIMEPICKER_TYPE=Datum und Uhrzeit #XACT SinglePlanningCalendar control name SPC_CONTROL_NAME=Einzelplanungskalender #XACT SinglePlanningCalendar actions toolbar accessibility description SPC_ACTIONS_TOOLBAR=Aktionen f\u00FCr Einzelplanungskalender #XACT SinglePlanningCalendar navigation toolbar accessibility description SPC_NAVIGATION_TOOLBAR=Navigation im Einzelplanungskalender #XACT PlanningCalendarHeader's datepicker accessibility announcement PCH_SELECT_RANGE=Bereich ausw\u00E4hlen #XACT PlanningCalendarHeader "today" button announcement PCH_NAVIGATE_TO_TODAY=Zum aktuellen Tag springen #XACT Announcement for the "Previous" icon-button in PlanningCalendarHeader PCH_NAVIGATE_BACKWARDS=Zur\u00FCck navigieren #XACT Announcement for the "Next" icon-button in PlanningCalendarHeader PCH_NAVIGATE_FORWARD=Vorw\u00E4rts navigieren #XACT Announcement for the Blockers area in SinglePlanningCalendar SPC_BLOCKERS=Blocker #XACT Announcement for the Appointments area in SinglePlanningCalendar SPC_APPOINTMENTS=Termine #XLNK Text for the link when we have more Appointments for a day in month view in SinglePlanningCalendar SPC_MORE_LINK={0} Mehr #XACT: PlanningCalendar accessibility description PLANNINGCALENDAR=Planungskalender #XACT PlanningCalendar functions toolbar accessibility description PC_FUNCTIONS_TOOLBAR=Funktionen des Planungskalenders #XACT PlanningCalendar interval accessibility description PC_INTERVAL_TOOLBAR=Intervall des Planungskalenders #XACT PlanningCalendar interval selection accessibility description PC_INTERVAL_SELECTION_TOOLBAR=Intervallselektion des Planungskalenders #XACT: PlanningCalendar view selector accessibility description PLANNINGCALENDAR_VIEW=Kalender anzeigen nach #XFLD: Name of the "Hours" view in the PlanningCalendar control PLANNINGCALENDAR_HOURS=Stunden #XFLD: Name of the "Days" view in the PlanningCalendar control PLANNINGCALENDAR_DAYS=Tage #XFLD: Name of the "Months" view in the PlanningCalendar control PLANNINGCALENDAR_MONTHS=Monate #XFLD: Name of the "Week" view in the PlanningCalendar control PLANNINGCALENDAR_WEEK=1 Woche #XFLD: Name of the "OneMonth" view in the PlanningCalendar control PLANNINGCALENDAR_ONE_MONTH=1 Monat #XBUT: Today button of PlanningCalendar and SinglePlanningCalendar control PLANNINGCALENDAR_TODAY=Heute #XFLD: Text for all day event PLANNINGCALENDAR_ALLDAY=Ganzer Tag #XFLD: Text for event with no ending time PLANNINGCALENDAR_FROM=von #XFLD: Text for event with no starting time PLANNINGCALENDAR_UNTIL=bis #XFLD: Duration of an appointment lasting more than an hour and is not full hours, ex.: 2 hrs, 30 min PLANNINGCALENDAR_APP_DURATION={0}, {1} #XFLD: Text for a placeholder row when there are no appointments PLANNINGCALENDAR_ROW_NO_APPOINTMENTS=Keine Eintr\u00E4ge #XTOL: Tool tip for nextButton of the PagingButton PAGINGBUTTON_NEXT=N\u00E4chste Seite #XTOL: Tool tip for nextButton of the PagingButton PAGINGBUTTON_PREVIOUS=Vorherige Seite #XBUT: Text and number of selected items for toolbar button of SelectionDetails SELECTIONDETAILS_BUTTON_TEXT_WITH_NUMBER=Details ({0}) #XBUT: Text for toolbar button of SelectionDetails SELECTIONDETAILS_BUTTON_TEXT=Details #XBUT: Text for ok button in the suggestion popover SUGGESTIONSPOPOVER_CLOSE_BUTTON=OK ############# #Translatable Control Types and States for ACC ############# #XACT: type of an UI control is an input field ACC_CTR_TYPE_INPUT=Eingabe #XACT: type of an UI control is a input field (which allows setting multiple values) ACC_CTR_TYPE_MULTIINPUT=Mehrfache Eingabe #XACT: type of an UI control is a date input field ACC_CTR_TYPE_DATEINPUT=Datumseingabe #XACT: type of an UI control is a time input field ACC_CTR_TYPE_TIMEINPUT=Zeiteingabe #XACT: type of an UI control is a date and time input field ACC_CTR_TYPE_DATETIMEINPUT=Datums-/Zeit-Eingabe #XACT: type of an UI control is a rating indicator ACC_CTR_TYPE_RATING=Bewertung #XACT: type of an UI control is a button ACC_CTR_TYPE_BUTTON=Drucktaste #XACT: type of an UI control is a link ACC_CTR_TYPE_LINK=Link #XACT: type of an UI control is an image ACC_CTR_TYPE_IMAGE=Bild #XACT: type of an UI control is a checkbox ACC_CTR_TYPE_CHECKBOX=Ankreuzfeld #XACT: type of an UI control is a switch ACC_CTR_TYPE_SWITCH=Schalter #XACT: type of an UI control is a radiobutton ACC_CTR_TYPE_RADIO=Auswahlknopf #XACT: type of of an UI control is a progress indicator ACC_CTR_TYPE_PROGRESS=Fortschritt #XACT: type of an UI control is a combobox ACC_CTR_TYPE_COMBO=Combobox #XACT: type of of an UI control is a combobox (which allows multi selection) ACC_CTR_TYPE_MULTICOMBO=Mehrfach-Combobox #XACT: type of of an UI control is a list ACC_CTR_TYPE_LIST=Listenfeld #XACT: type of of an UI control is a list item ACC_CTR_TYPE_OPTION=Listenelement #XACT: type of of an UI control is a tree ACC_CTR_TYPE_TREE=Baum #XACT: type of of an UI control is a tree item ACC_CTR_TYPE_TREEITEM=Baumelement #XTOL: tooltip for expand icon in a tree item TREE_ITEM_EXPAND_NODE=Knoten expandieren #XTOL: tooltip for collapse icon in a tree item TREE_ITEM_COLLAPSE_NODE=Knoten komprimieren #XACT: type of of an UI control is a table ACC_CTR_TYPE_TABLE=Tabelle #XACT: type of of an UI control is a table row ACC_CTR_TYPE_ROW=Zeile #XACT: ARIA announcement for the header row of the table ACC_CTR_TYPE_HEADER_ROW=Kopfzeile #XACT: ARIA announcement for the footer row of the table ACC_CTR_TYPE_FOOTER_ROW=Fu\u00DFzeile #XACT: "pressed" state of e.g. a togglebutton which should be announced by screenreaders ACC_CTR_STATE_PRESSED=Gedr\u00FCckt #XACT: "checked" state of e.g. a checkbox, switch which should be announced by screenreaders ACC_CTR_STATE_CHECKED=Aktiviert #XACT: "not checked" state of e.g. a checkbox, switch which should be announced by screenreaders ACC_CTR_STATE_NOT_CHECKED=Nicht aktiviert #XACT: state (current and max. value) of a rating indicator which should be announced by screenreaders ACC_CTR_STATE_RATING={0} von {1} #XACT: progress state of a progress indicator which should be announced by screenreaders ACC_CTR_STATE_PROGRESS={0} % ############# #XACT: Aria information for the Split Button SPLIT_BUTTON_DESCRIPTION=Zweigeteilte Drucktaste #XACT: Aria hint for the keyboard handling support of the Split Button SPLIT_BUTTON_KEYBOARD_HINT=Dr\u00FCcken Sie Enter, um Aktion auszul\u00F6sen und dr\u00FCcken Sie Pfeil nach unten, um Men\u00FC zu \u00F6ffnen #XTOL: Tooltip text for back button inside a Menu Page MENU_PAGE_BACK_BUTTON=Zur\u00FCck zu #XBUT: Menu predefined text for CLOSE action MENU_CLOSE=Abbrechen #XBUT: Button text for closing a Notification List Item control NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_CLOSE=Schlie\u00DFen #XBUT: Button text for closing a Notification List Group control NOTIFICATION_LIST_GROUP_CLOSE=Alles schlie\u00DFen #XBUT: No grouping item in ViewSettingsPopover NO_GROUPING=Keine Gruppierung #XBUT: No filtering item in ViewSettingsPopover REMOVE_FILTER=Filter entfernen #XBUT: ARIA-LabelledBy for ViewSettingsPopover ARIA_LABELLED_BY_POPOVER=Einstellungen f\u00FCr Spaltensicht #XBUT: Show selected only for ViewSettingsPopover SHOW_SELECTED_ONLY=Nur ausgew\u00E4hlte anzeigen #XBUT: No sorting item in ViewSettingsPopover NO_SORTING=Keine Sortierung #YACT: ARIA information about multiple content within the SlideTile SLIDETILE_MULTIPLE_CONTENT=Element mit mehrfachem Inhalt #YACT: ARIA information about toggle sliding within the SlideTile SLIDETILE_TOGGLE_SLIDING=Um Sliding umzuschalten, Leertaste dr\u00FCcken #YACT: ARIA information how to activate the SlideTile SLIDETILE_ACTIVATE=Zum Aktivieren, ENTER dr\u00FCcken #YACT: ARIA information how to scroll back in the SlideTile SLIDETILE_SCROLL_BACK=Um zur\u00FCck zu bl\u00E4ttern, B dr\u00FCcken #YACT: ARIA information how to to scroll forward in the SlideTile SLIDETILE_SCROLL_FORWARD=Um weiter zu bl\u00E4ttern, F dr\u00FCcken #XACT: ARIA ARIA-LabelledBy for the entire range handler in RangeSlider SLIDER_HANDLE=Griff des Schiebereglers #XACT: ARIA announcement for the range in RangeSlider RANGE_SLIDER_RANGE_ANNOUNCEMENT=von {0} bis {1} #XACT: ARIA ARIA-LabelledBy for the left handle and tooltip in RangeSlider RANGE_SLIDER_LEFT_HANDLE=Linker Regler #XACT: ARIA ARIA-LabelledBy for the right handle and tooltip in RangeSlider RANGE_SLIDER_RIGHT_HANDLE=Rechter Regler #XACT: ARIA ARIA-LabelledBy for the entire range handler in RangeSlider RANGE_SLIDER_RANGE_HANDLE=Bereich #XACT: ARIA ARIA-DescribedBy for inputs as tooltips SLIDER_INPUT_TOOLTIP=F2 w\u00E4hlen, um zur Eingabe-Quick-Info zu wechseln #XBUT: Button text for close button in the LightBox LIGHTBOX_CLOSE_BUTTON=Schlie\u00DFen #XTOL: Tooltip on the button to allow to scroll back HEADERCONTAINER_BUTTON_PREV_SECTION=Zur\u00FCck #XTOL: Tooltip on the button to allow to scroll forward HEADERCONTAINER_BUTTON_NEXT_SECTION=Weiter #XTXT: Error message for LightBox image not loaded due to timeout. LIGHTBOX_IMAGE_TIMED_OUT=Bild kann nicht geladen werden #XTXT: Error message for LightBox image not loaded due to timeout detailed message. LIGHTBOX_IMAGE_TIMED_OUT_DETAILS=Das Bild ist zu gro\u00DF, um es jetzt zu laden. Bitte versuchen Sie es sp\u00E4ter erneut. #XTXT: Error message for LightBox image not loaded. LIGHTBOX_IMAGE_ERROR=Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. #XTXT: Error message for LightBox image not loaded due to timeout detailed message. LIGHTBOX_IMAGE_ERROR_DETAILS=Das Bild wurde am angegebenen Speicherort nicht gefunden oder der Server ist nicht aktiv. #XACT: ARIA announcement for enlarged image LIGHTBOX_ARIA_ENLARGED=Vergr\u00F6\u00DFertes Bild von {0} {1} #XACT: ARIA keyboard announcement for the DEL key for removing a tile TILE_REMOVE_BY_DEL_KEY=Um das Element zu entfernen, dr\u00FCcken Sie die L\u00F6schtaste. #XACT: ARIA text for GenericTile in actions scope GENERICTILE_ACTIONS_ARIA_TEXT=Entfernbare Kachel #XTOL: Tooltip for REMOVE button in the GenericTile GENERICTILE_REMOVEBUTTON_TEXT=Entfernen #XTXT: Reached maximum number of notifications in NotificationListGroup title NOTIFICATION_LIST_GROUP_MAX_NOTIFICATIONS_TITLE=Es sind {0} weitere Benachrichtigungen vorhanden #XTXT: Reached maximum number of notifications in NotificationListGroup NOTIFICATION_LIST_GROUP_MAX_NOTIFICATIONS_BODY=Um mehr anzuzeigen, m\u00FCssen Sie die aufgef\u00FChrten Benachrichtigungen schlie\u00DFen oder eine Aktion durchf\u00FChren. #XTOL: Tooltip of the button for increasing for example the quantity of a product inside shopping-cart application STEP_INPUT_INCREASE_BTN=Vergr\u00F6\u00DFern #XTOL: Tooltip of the button for decreasing for example the quantity of a product inside shopping-cart application STEP_INPUT_DECREASE_BTN=Verkleinern #XACT: Object Status control name OBJECT_STATUS=Objektstatus #XACT: Object Status icon announcement OBJECT_STATUS_ICON=Statussymbol #XACT: ARIA role for the control Object Identifier OI_ARIA_ROLE=Objekt-ID #XACT:Author of Notification List Item NOTIFICATION_LIST_ITEM_CREATED_BY=Angelegt von #XACT: Aria label for Table select all CheckBox TABLE_CHECKBOX_SELECT_ALL=Alle Zeilen ausw\u00E4hlen #XACT: Aria role description for Table TABLE_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Tabellarische Liste #XACT: Aria role description for the row extension (popin, addon) in the table. TABLE_POPIN_ROLE_DESCRIPTION=Tabellarische Listenzeilenerweiterung #XBUT: Pdf viewer's popup close button PDF_VIEWER_POPUP_CLOSE_BUTTON=Schlie\u00DFen #XTXT: Pdf viewer's download link PDF_VIEWER_DOWNLOAD_TEXT=Download #XTXT: Text in error placeholder of pdf viewer PDF_VIEWER_PLACEHOLDER_ERROR_TEXT=Die PDF-Datei kann nicht geladen werden. #XACT: PDF viewer's accessibility label PDF_VIEWER_ACCESSIBILITY_LABEL=PDF-Viewer #XTIT: PDF viewer's message box header for source validation error PDF_VIEWER_SOURCE_VALIDATION_MESSAGE_HEADER=Fehler bei der Validierung der Quelle #XMSG: PDF viewer's message box text for source validation error PDF_VIEWER_SOURCE_VALIDATION_MESSAGE_TEXT=Die Quelle der Datei kann nicht validiert werden. Datei trotzdem anzeigen? #XBUT: MultiEditField prefilled Item keep MULTI_EDIT_KEEP_TEXT=Vorhandene Werte beibehalten #XBUT: MultiEditField prefilled Item blank MULTI_EDIT_BLANK_TEXT=Leer lassen #XBUT: MultiEditField prefilled Item new MULTI_EDIT_NEW_TEXT=Wertehilfe verwenden #XTXT: Text representing the Select's picker title text SELECT_PICKER_TITLE_TEXT=Ausw\u00E4hlen #XBUT: ActionSelect Picker Tutor Message ACTION_SELECT_TUTOR_MESSAGE=Dr\u00FCcken Sie die Tab-Taste, um die verf\u00FCgbaren Aktionen anzusteuern. #XTXT: Text representing the WizardStep's optional step label WIZARD_STEP_OPTIONAL_STEP_TEXT=Optional #XTIT: The title of ColorPalette when wrapped in the popover COLOR_PALETTE_TITLE=Farbpalette #XTIT: The title of the SWATCH Container in the CollorPalette COLOR_PALETTE_SWATCH_CONTAINER_TITLE=Farbpalette - Vordefinierte Farben #XTIT: The title of the SWATCH Container of Recent colors in the CollorPalette COLOR_PALETTE_SWATCH_RECENT_COLOR_CONTAINER_TITLE=Farbpalette - Zuletzt verwendete Farben #XBUT: The cancel button in ColorPalette COLOR_PALETTE_CANCEL=Abbrechen #XBUT: ColorPalette "Default color" action text COLOR_PALETTE_DEFAULT_COLOR=Standardfarbe #XBUT: ColorPalette "More Colors..." action text COLOR_PALETTE_MORE_COLORS=Mehr Farben... #XTIT: ColorPalette title of the "Color Picker" that opens upon "More colors..." click COLOR_PALETTE_MORE_COLORS_TITLE=Farbe \u00E4ndern #XBUT: The confirm button in Color Picker that is opened upon "More colors..." click COLOR_PALETTE_MORE_COLORS_CONFIRM=OK #XBUT: The cancel button in Color Picker that is opened upon "More colors..." click COLOR_PALETTE_MORE_COLORS_CANCEL=Abbrech. #XTXT: The aria info about the predefined color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR=Farbe {0}\: {1} #XTXT: The aria info about the recent color COLOR_PALETTE_RECENT_COLOR=Zuletzt verwendete Farbe {0}\: {1} #XTXT: The aria info about the predefined color if it is a custom one (not amongst list of predefined ones) COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_CUSTOM=Eigen #XTOL: Gold color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_GOLD=Gold #XTOL: Dark orange color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_DARKORANGE=Dunkelorange #XTOL: Indian red color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_INDIANRED=Indischrot #XTOL: Dark magenta color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_DARKMAGENTA=Dunkelmagenta #XTOL: Cornflower blue color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_CORNFLOWERBLUE=Kornblumenblau #XTOL: Deep sky blue color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_DEEPSKYBLUE=Dunkelhimmelblau #XTOL: Dark cyan color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_DARKCYAN=Dunkelcyan #XTOL: Olive drab color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_OLIVEDRAB=Olivgr\u00FCn #XTOL: Dark slate gray color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_DARKSLATEGRAY=Schiefergrau #XTOL: Azure color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_AZURE=Azurblau #XTOL: White color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_WHITE=Wei\u00DF #XTOL: Light gray color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_LIGHTGRAY=Hellgrau #XTOL: Dark gray color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_DARKGRAY=Dunkelgrau #XTOL: Dim gray color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_DIMGRAY=Mattgrau #XTOL: Black color COLOR_PALETTE_PREDEFINED_COLOR_BLACK=Schwarz #XTOL: Tooltip for panel expand title PANEL_ICON=Expandieren/komprimieren #XACT: SearchField search button default tooltip SEARCHFIELD_SEARCH_BUTTON_TOOLTIP=Suchen #XACT: SearchField reset button default tooltip SEARCHFIELD_RESET_BUTTON_TOOLTIP=Zur\u00FCcksetzen #XACT: SearchField refresh button default tooltip SEARCHFIELD_REFRESH_BUTTON_TOOLTIP=Auffrischen #XTOL: Tooltip of the MessageStrip's close button MESSAGE_STRIP_TITLE=Schlie\u00DFen #XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessageStrip's "Error" close button MESSAGE_STRIP_ERROR_CLOSE_BUTTON=Schlie\u00DFen der Fehlermeldungszeile #XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessageStrip's "Warning" close button MESSAGE_STRIP_WARNING_CLOSE_BUTTON=Schlie\u00DFen der Warnmeldungszeile #XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessageStrip's "Success" close button MESSAGE_STRIP_SUCCESS_CLOSE_BUTTON=Schlie\u00DFen der Erfolgsmeldungszeile #XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessageStrip's "Information" close button MESSAGE_STRIP_INFORMATION_CLOSE_BUTTON=Schlie\u00DFen der Informationsmeldungszeile #XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessageStrip's "Error" state MESSAGE_STRIP_ERROR=Nachrichtenzeile f\u00FCr Fehler #XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessageStrip's "Warning" state MESSAGE_STRIP_WARNING=Nachrichtenzeile f\u00FCr Warnung #XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessageStrip's "Success" state MESSAGE_STRIP_SUCCESS=Nachrichtenzeile f\u00FCr Erfolg #XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessageStrip's "Information" state MESSAGE_STRIP_INFORMATION=Nachrichtenzeile f\u00FCr Informationen #XACT: ARIA announcement for the MessageStrip's closable state MESSAGE_STRIP_CLOSABLE=Schlie\u00DFbar #XACT: GenericTag Roledescription GENERICTAG_ROLEDESCRIPTION=Objekt-Tag #XACT: ARIA announcement for the GenericTag's value state "Error" GENERICTAG_ARIA_VALUE_STATE_ERROR=Wertzustand Fehler #XACT: ARIA announcement for the GenericTag's value state "Warning" GENERICTAG_ARIA_VALUE_STATE_WARNING=Wertzustand Warnung #XACT: ARIA announcement for the GenericTag's value state "Success" GENERICTAG_ARIA_VALUE_STATE_SUCCESS=Wertzustand Erfolg #XACT: ARIA announcement for the GenericTag's value state "Information" GENERICTAG_ARIA_VALUE_STATE_INFORMATION=Wertzustand Information #XBUT: sap.m.QuickViewCard "Card" aria-roledescription text ARIA_ROLEDESCRIPTION_CARD=Karte #XTXT: Error message for the MessageStrip of the Table's DataState plugin DATASTATE_ERROR=Die Tabelle enth\u00E4lt Fehler. #XTXT: Warning message for the MessageStrip of the Table's DataState plugin DATASTATE_WARNING=Die Tabelle enth\u00E4lt Warnungen. #XTXT: Issues message for the MessageStrip of the Table's DataState plugin DATASTATE_ISSUE=Die Tabelle enth\u00E4lt Probleme. #XTXT: Notifications message for the MessageStrip of the Table's DataState plugin DATASTATE_NOTIFICATION=Die Tabelle enth\u00E4lt Benachrichtigungen. #XTXT: Error message for the MessageStrip of the List's DataState plugin LIST_DATASTATE_ERROR=Die Liste enth\u00E4lt Fehler. #XTXT: Warning message for the MessageStrip of the List's DataState plugin LIST_DATASTATE_WARNING=Die Liste enth\u00E4lt Warnungen. #XTXT: Issues message for the MessageStrip of the List's DataState plugin LIST_DATASTATE_ISSUE=Die Liste enth\u00E4lt Probleme. #XTXT: Notifications message for the MessageStrip of the List's DataState plugin LIST_DATASTATE_NOTIFICATION=Die Liste enth\u00E4lt Benachrichtigungen. #XTXT: Error message for the MessageStrip of the Tree's DataState plugin TREE_DATASTATE_ERROR=Der Baum enth\u00E4lt Fehler. #XTXT: Warning message for the MessageStrip of the Tree's DataState plugin TREE_DATASTATE_WARNING=Der Baum enth\u00E4lt Warnungen. #XTXT: Issues message for the MessageStrip of the Tree's DataState plugin TREE_DATASTATE_ISSUE=Der Baum enth\u00E4lt Probleme. #XTXT: Notifications message for the MessageStrip of the Tree's DataState plugin TREE_DATASTATE_NOTIFICATION=Der Baum enth\u00E4lt Benachrichtigungen.